Dadirri Massage

Dadirri Massage is a professional Remedial Massage Clinic, run by practitioner Paul Lawson, accredited with a Diploma of Remedial Massage. Paul Lawson runs his business from home, in the quite streets of Caringbah South.

Along side Remedial Massage, Paul Lawson also practices Kahuna bodywork, a flowing rhythmic and dynamic form of massage. Paul is also trained in Sports Massage, Swedish Massage and uses techniques such as; deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy.



  • Remedial massage begins with a thorough assessment and combines specific deep tissue techniques and gentler strokes appropriate to your needs. It targets problem areas and aids mobility. Remedial massage also releases muscle tension and helps to reduce the pain associated with chronic conditions and postural problems.

    Remedial and sports massage can help speed up injury recovery times, maintaining soft tissue flexibility and muscle tone.

    Other techniques used in remedial/sports massage may also include Dry needling, Myofascial cupping, Chapman's reflexes and low level laser therapy as deemed appropriate through assessment.


Hawaiian Kahuna Bodywork is a flowing rhythmic and dynamic form of massage. It is performed to music that soothes and relaxes allowing relaxation for the clients to switch into their parasympathetic mode, referred as the healing mode. Kahuna bodywork uses sensitivity and rhythmic movement and strokes that flow with the path of least resistance to provide a space for clients to let go of emotions stored within the body.

  • Eases tired and aching muscles, stiff necks and headaches as well as providing relief from general fatigue

  • Assistance during times of change and transition or when you are feeling stuck in life

  • Relaxation and a deep sense of being nurtured on every level

  • Creates movement down to a cellular level of the body allowing old emotionally held patterns to shift 

  • Lymphatic drainage and removal of fluid retention



remedial massage - 90 MINS — $140

kahuna massage - 90 MINS — $150